tisdag 26 juli 2011

This is odd...

but I'm about to start my twelfth year of school, in just three weeks! We are now becoming the oldest, the ones to look up to. I can't believe it. Our future is really ahead of us now, what are we suppose to do with our lives? Some of my friends already have everything sorted out for them: where to work, what to do, where to study. I have absolutely no idea!

But this is what I'd like:
I'm moving for at least six months to the UK, working somewhere, living cheap. Doing what I can to work up my English and get me some working experience. Life is so short, why isn't there just enough time! There is so much I want to do with my life, I can't believe it! Crazy...

Read "Bridget Jones's Diary". Hilarious!

Let's finish off with some oldies but goodies!


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